Public Information Session On Wetland Park Plans For Maghera
Initial concept designs for a proposed Wetland Park and Walled Garden enhancements in Maghera will be presented at a public information session at Walsh’s Hotel, Maghera, Thursday, 1st February at 6pm – 8pm.
Local people will have the opportunity to listen to a presentation on the proposed development and give feedback on the potential concept design options that have so far been developed for the project.
The information session is being organised by Mid Ulster District Council to allow local residents and businesses to feedback their initial views, ahead of public consultation which is anticipated to take place on the detailed designs later this year. It is envisaged that the project will be completed in spring of 2025.
The Council has successfully secured £9.1m from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities' Levelling Up Fund to support the regeneration of Maghera to include a town centre Public Realm improvement scheme, the development of a Business Park, and the creation of a Wetland Park.
Maghera Wetland Park will be a new outdoor recreational facility and green space that will seek to enhance the natural environment and link to existing facilities at Maghera Walled Garden, further developing this popular visitor attraction in Maghera.
Enhancing biodiversity through habitat creation will be a key factor in developing the wetland site as a quality green space. Other features for consideration will include a high-quality walking trail network to allow visitors to explore the site and experience nature; natural play areas for children to engage and play creatively in a natural setting; nature interaction points with integrated seating and platforms to allow viewing and pond dipping; the installation of a bird hide; a covered outdoor event space and picnic facilities; and a dog exercise area.
The project will also create a strong physical and visual link between the Maghera Wetland Park and the Largantogher Walkway, thereby forming a route that will allow access to the park directly from Maghera town centre.
Chair of the Council, Councillor Dominic Molloy, is encouraging local people to attend the public information session, which is open to all.
“The proposed Wetlands Park and enhancements to Maghera Walled Garden is one element within the Maghera Regeneration Programme that, through over £10M total investment in Maghera, will deliver transformational improvement, benefitting residents, stimulating business growth and creating jobs for future generations.
“Given the significance of the programme and the level of investment, it’s important residents and businesses engage with the ongoing design process and have an early opportunity to see the initial plans before we develop detailed designs for a formal period of consultation.
“I would encourage local people to come to the information session, see the designs for themselves and talk to the consultants”.
The public information session runs in Walsh’s Hotel, Maghera, on Thursday 1 February from 6pm to 8pm, and requires no advance booking to attend. For further information visit