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Skills Action Plan 2018 - 2021

The Mid Ulster Skills Forum has produced a practical new Skills Action Plan for the Mid Ulster area, which will improve linkages between the business and education sectors and help address the critical skills gaps which exists.

It will also enhance employment opportunities, foster workforce development, and help businesses prepare for Brexit.

The Action Plan identifies five strategic priorities including goals, key actions and desired outcomes:

  • Attract - to attract external talent and residents to the Mid Ulster area

  • Develop - to develop the skills businesses need to address gaps

  • Engage - to improve how businesses engage with key stakeholders

  • Retain and Sustain - to 'future proof’ skills and capability

  • Success - to implement the Strategy and Action Plan and measure success in tangible metrics

Download the full Mid Ulster Skills Report & Action Plan 2018 - 2021.

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or call us on 03000 132 132.