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Mid Ulster Registered Childminding Academy

The Mid Ulster LMP through with stakeholders in the region has identified the need for a Registered Child Minder academy to increase the provision of affordable childcare in the region with the goal of supporting improved female participation in the economy to reduce Mid Ulster’s gender gap in economic activity.

Through this investment the LMP aims to specifically target participants who:

  • are Mid Ulster District Council residents

  • are over the age of 18; and

  • are unemployed, long term unemployed, under-employed, or at risk of redundancy or seeking career progression through upskilling or reskilling or have been economically inactive for any reason (e.g., due to long term ill-health or disability, caring commitments, early retired, or any other reason).

The Academy is fully funded and NICMA aims to train 25 participants to meet the minimum requirements as a registered child minder, providing mentoring to guide and support them through the registration process with the Health and Social Care Trust Early Years team. Registered participants will also receive support with equipment needed to safely deliver child minding such as fire guards, stair gates, and baby monitors.

Register your interest

If you meet the above criteria and would like to register your interest in this Academy or find out more information, please email Grainne Scullion at NICMA or phone Grainne on  07517 472 271.