This fully funded Disability Inclusion Programme will support 20 eligible individuals through a bespoke 'work ready' training programme designed to equip participants with the skills, knowledge, experience, and confidence to begin a new career within a range of key sectors in the Mid Ulster district.
Applications for this programme are now open.
Participants must:
Be of working age;
have a registered disability and/or long-term health condition;
be unemployed, under employed or at risk of redundancy and reside in Mid Ulster; and
be seeking to develop a career and show a willingness to participate in the Programme.
Personal Development and Opportunities:
All participants will be assigned a dedicated Programme Mentor who will work with them to reach their full potential through:
All participants are guaranteed a job interview with a local company with the relevant vacancies and if needed, can avail of additional light touch mentoring for up to 6 months post-employment!
Register now by emailing or contact Network Personnel by telephone on 028 7963 1032. For more information email
Are you a Mid Ulster Employer?
Are you struggling with recruitment and retention of staff?
This fully funded Employer-Led Disability Inclusion Programme will support 20 local businesses through a bespoke programme designed to improve their understanding of disability employment needs, to raise awareness of the benefits of tapping into an under-utilised and capable labour pool, and to support the companies through an employability programme that will result in a number of job opportunities being created that are suited to employees with a long term disability or health condition.
Programme Overview:
A dedicated mentor will:
Signpost employers to workplace support programmes and grants available to support the employment of individuals with disability or long-term health considerations;
Assess employer knowledge gaps and misperceptions about disability employment and provide informative education to address the gaps and misperceptions.
Encourage employers to be innovative in how job roles can be shaped to be more accessible to participants with disability or health needs (e.g., flexible working patterns, job role carving to create new opportunities, ring-fencing certain posts for disabled workers).
Work with employers to develop alternative and less intimidating approaches to candidate recruitment and selection, that make allowances for participant needs and provide employers with the opportunity of making an informed decision (e.g., pre-employment training or workplace assessment rather than formal interview).
Work with the employers to match the right roles to the right potential candidates.
Support the employers through the recruitment process to ensure all employers successfully recruit and fill their vacant positions.
All participating employers can also avail of additional light touch mentoring and support for up to 6 months post-employment!
How to get involved
If you would like to participate or for further information contact Network Personnel by email or telephone 028 7963 1032.